
Angels in Starships
+ The being with wings of light
+ The chosen place for the meeting
+ The first meeting
+ The valley of the contacts
+ The Heavenly Being (part 1°)
+ The Heavenly Being (part 2°)
+ The mother-ship (part 1°)
+ The mother-ship (part 2°)
+ Video section
+ Mons. Corrado Balducci
+ Cav. Augusto Giordano
+ Eufemio del Buono
The Bible and UFOs
+ Submission
+ The visitors from space
+ Faith, ufology and consistency
+ The Bible and the UFO
Presentation of the book “Angels in starships” by mons. Corrado Calducci, cav. Augusto Giordano and Eufemio del Buono, at the Libreria Internazionale Remo Croce in Rome March 25th 1983.
Speech of Cav. Augusto Giordano – Director and journalist Rai.

“Angels in starships” by Giorgio Dibitonto may mistakenly be confused for an example of that science fiction literature that has for several years is proliferating with increasing fortune. But from the very first pages before you realize you have a book extremely unique, special, interesting , a book to read in one sitting.
First of all, the prior presentation of a prestigious and wealthy man full of love and faith, an expert in ufology and a contactee, that would never have agreed to write a foreword to a book if it had not been heard by his heart, if he had not admitted at by a certain peculiarity and if it was not convinced of the honesty and fairness of the message conveyed by the author.
Precisely for this reason Del Buono gives us an account of his first meeting with Giorgio and how both conscious at extrasensory level of the extraordinary experiences joining them, they had embraced as two brothers who meet after a long time.
Then there is the shocking story that speaks about close encounters between extraterrestrial creatures and the author, encounters are described with a minuteness as to become almost palpable to every type of reader. What becomes obvious and what strucks me deeply is the high moral content of the work of Giorgio, his deep Christian message.
But do not expect to find only learned disquisitions by experts in theology. It is a Christianity in many ways full of commitment, full of wit, understandable to the majority of all men, as the highest mind, the less elevated, the more studious and less. It is the Christianity of those who are pure in heart for the blessed that shall see God, according to the Gospel of Matthew. Christianity be holy, healthy, extremely fascinating.
These are the dogmas of our religion, those who overlook the pages of this book, materialized, made real and tangible.
The extraterrestrials are not the usual monsters with antennas on their heads, but creatures of overwhelming sweetness and beauty. I am Jesus, the Virgin Mary, the Angels, Saints and Blesseds, which are among men to launch their message of love and universal brotherhood.
But this message, which is addressed to all people of good will, is also directed to a purpose, that is aimed at the realization of the Kingdom of God, to overcome the hatred and particularism to realize the salvation of men on earth.
On page 41 there are also those that are the most essential elements of what ultimately is the final and conclusive project of Giorgio. And it is in this light that Giorgio reads the Scriptures seeing in everywhere traces of extraterrestrial creatures. The prophecies of the Old Testament, the expulsion from Eden, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, the Revelation, are all viewed from a singular angle and interpreted from the perspective of the story, to demonstrate the truth, giving an aura of mystery and indeterminacy also to technological topics.
Contacts with UFOs are, according to Giorgio, to be compared to the visions of Fatima, Lourdes, La Salette, because extraterrestrials are heavenly creatures and because one is the message conveyed; prescind from hatred and thirst for earnings to work for the completion of the Kingdom of Universal Love which itself can guarantee peace and prosperity to the Earth.
We must not show fear facing the meetings with extraterrestrials, nor dismayed by the revelations of destruction of humanity. Only those who will believe and will have faith in God’s Mercy, will be saved.
The only feelings that you should try to deal with these events, should be gratitude and joy, gratitude because God does not abandon us in spite of our daily sins, the joy because we hope to rejoin Him in a world of peace and of love.
To do this we must still try to be reconciled to nature, freeing it from all the infrastructure that we have built around.
Retrieve the nature means cure many ills, this Giorgio says, and Raphael says to the author: “and this is the simplest of doctrines”.
The man does not evolve himself with scientific discoveries, but when he operated the recovery of nature and that of his own humanity.
If the people of the Earth will not return in peace with creation and will not know how contemplating nature, it will not prove to their hearts, they can not evolve despite all the scientific discoveries.
The extraterrestrials are there just to ensure that people are not carrying their willingness to human power, their anxiety of destruction also in other worlds, in pristine space that would inevitably compromise.
From all this it may be inferred that the plan of salvation conducted without the knowledge of man is a sort of an invisible network in which meshes man finds himself embroiled against his will.
Giorgio Dibitonto puts expressly warned against such a claim and these is written in all the pages of the “Gospel of 2000” of “Angels in starships”, as the title of the book.
The principle of free will, the cardinal point of the preaching of the Gospel, is reaffirmed in these pages, as an inalienable right of all human beings. The man continued to exert its decision-making power until they try to expand death and destruction to the entire universe. Then and only then, God will intervene to pose him a brake, before his entire work of creation is destroyed.
However, if the man has the strength to renounce evil, can conquer space and ascend to God. Therefore, the message of extraterrestrials is a message of peace, is a message of salvation for humanity and therefore must be accepted in joy, without surrender to the dismay predictions of death and destruction.
Perhaps is relevant to this matter we could no longer even to scare the Ufo, and perhaps in this light we can really feel closer to that something beautiful around us.
The extraterrestrials refer to Sacred Scripture and the prophecies contained therein. The whole history of humanity is lying in front of them as a plan that blends the past, present and future.
Aches and disasters have been announced since the dawn of creation, since original sin; for men who have forgotten the Word of God. Precisely through these hard trials it will be operated a kind of purification, by fire reborn the grass and will realize the splendor of the Kingdom of God, and the Angels will reopen to elected surviving humanity the doors of Eden and the lion shall eat straw like the ox and the wolf and the lamb will walk together.
These are the fascinating interpretative hypotheses of Sacred Scripture reviewed in an actual form by Giorgio.
They are also unique characterizations of the extraterrestrials characters having names revered by all Christians and that appear rendered according to the classical iconography. Jesus, a handsome man about 30 years old, with a long beard and blue eyes. The Virgin Mary dressed in blue with long brown-blond hair, blue eyes and shining face of majesty and sweetness.
Although in their clothing all wear spacesuits and in their occurrence they arrive on starships and flying discs, are closely linked to the narrative that proposes in adventurous key ancient dogmas and doctrines.
This wave of Christian characters move, talk, offering teachings and certainty to believe, but all with great simplicity and humility. And this is a bit the work of a contactee, present its experiences with simplicity, humility, because who wants to hear could hear, because an increasing number of people discover the modernity of God’s Word, because in a world where exasperated materialism and the thirst for power seem to take on positions of prevalence in society, a crowd getting bigger receives the message of Universal Love.
As at the time of the first Christians, even today we need someone who can educate the masses to moral and human values away from aberrant logic of death, destruction, political and religion fiction.
This is the mission that fulfill Eufemio Del Buono, Giorgio Dibitonto and all the other contactees who are engaged in this battle, in their panting search for what is beyond the world. They want to give men the hope of a superhuman life, the certainty that pains and fatigues are not ends to themselves, but which are the gateway to a life of perfect bliss in a Kingdom of perfect Love.
The end of this book represents the conclusion of the story and also the starting point of the future history of mankind. It will herald serious time and only those who will accept the message of Love will overcome them and get to experience the promised Eden.
What contactees write, what act and produce, do not need to let believe in this or this other Ufo, but to spread again the Word of God. And Giorgio succeeded in this, with warmth, passion, commitment, faith, with everything you need for a writer of the actual days, different from the others, from those who belong to certain groups and that offer shameful books.
These are books, but not because I am a Christian. Because in these words and in this sense, in each row, there is really the meaning and the warmth. An author who in my opinion is not only a writer, but also an painter who knew how to paint, say and give perhaps the most easy to interpret moments, but we should all understand and feel.
Instead I wanted to be here today our enemies with whom to debate and giveing our positions. Have a positive debate and made them understand that the Gospel of 2000, “Angels in starships” and all the other Christian writers, are really important and powerful, and can actually create, and can be influential to amend or even help beautiful minds of our children, our young people, so caught up in a whirlwind of bad things that surround us, and so far away from the beauty of this kind of work.
I believe that many people prefer to be seen with other kind of books, those who are called subversive books, against all odds. But I think that these young people, reading this book may forget their obsessive fanaticism towards something constructive.
This is what we need and for that, as a journalist, I thank you, Giorgio; as a Christian I thank you; as a man I tell you to continue to create wonderful moments that bring us back here in a month or a year in order to continue to say that our culture, the real one, the one that does not offend and does not kill, but it creates, is still alive”.
Cav. Dr. Augusto Giordano