
Angels in Starships
+ The being with wings of light
+ The chosen place for the meeting
+ The first meeting
+ The valley of the contacts
+ The Heavenly Being (part 1°)
+ The Heavenly Being (part 2°)
+ The mother-ship (part 1°)
+ The mother-ship (part 2°)
+ Video section
+ Mons. Corrado Balducci
+ Cav. Augusto Giordano
+ Eufemio del Buono
The Bible and UFOs
+ Submission
+ The visitors from space
+ Faith, ufology and consistency
+ The Bible and the UFO
"The valley of the contacts"
by Giorgio Dibitonto

Who reads “Angels in Starships” often finds the word “peace”. A deep peace actually has invaded my spirit every time there was a manifestation, a close encounter or signs of the Brothers of Light.
Those Angelic Beings released a sensation of peace able to remove disquietude and any doubt. They appeared as young men and women with graceful aspect, as surrounded by a sort of light that made their beauty different from the one we recognise in this world.
The whole emotion, the fears and a sort of anxiety I felt during the encounter with Raphael, Orthon and Firkon in the Finalese valley, near Savona, disappeared when I came into contact with them. These feelings were replaced by a great peace, joy and even by something else I couldn’t explain, but I would like to call greatness.
As the reader can notice, the elements of the nature, as the wind, rain, clouds, vegetation and of course the sun, took an important part in the scenery and expressions of the encounters. The Brothers gave deep meanings to the strengths of the nature while they were transmitting their teachings by allowing us to have such amazing experiences that the natural scenery seemed to belong to other dimensions.
During the encounter with the Brothers in a valley of the contacts, a phrase by Raphael foreboded the task of spreading and testifying those facts with their message. In fact Raphael said: “But it is necessary to speak the truth loudly and clearly in order that those that are ready to hear it can receive it and do likewise”.
Afterwards, he pointed out that the men who spreads love, wisdom, goodness and salvation are fulfilling a mission for which they are not in this world by chance. The oblivion that hides the clear memory of their origin is going to rise to let a consciousness fully aware of their mission emerge.
The hint at the Holy Scriptures or Bible was also of great importance. Each of their teachings will make reference to the biblical tales from the patriarchs, prophets, Jesus, Apostles and the John’s revelation.
A prophetic key to the reading of the Scriptures springs from these teachings that can become a sort of daily bread for anyone who wants to walk through the light of the wisdom and holiness of the Revelation.
During that contact in the Finalese valley, the Earth was indicated as a planet of the redemption and the Brothers exhorted the mankind to open their hearts to the humility and to the love of God Father. Since then, they come to show us the way back to the Celestial House and to lead us without overcome the gift of the free will gave to mankind. Already then we was given a great teaching: “The true knowledge is in Love”.
Afterwards, the Brothers came back to the Disc hidden in wood. The Disc raised above the vegetation and went up towards the clouds at a high speed until disappeared. At that time, we had not understood yet that we were in front of those angelic manifestations that the Bible calls the “Lord's Glory”.